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Reaction to Governor Lamont’s Budget Address


Contact: Meghan Holden, The Connecticut Project Action Fund,

NEW HAVEN – Governor Ned Lamont today delivered his budget address to a joint session of the Connecticut General Assembly.

The following is a reaction from Garth Harries, president and CEO of The Connecticut Project Action Fund:

“It was heartening to hear Governor Lamont describe some openness to sharing the state’s surpluses by responsibly modifying Connecticut’s fiscal rules. Working people in Connecticut are in the midst of a storm, with 40 percent of Connecticut residents struggling to make ends meet, government programs that support them on life support, and looming federal funding threats. Our elected leaders must make sure the state budget works as hard for working people as they do for their families every day, and today’s budget address shows the Governor is open to having some conversation. 

It is encouraging the Governor has prioritized early education now and in the future, with funds to cover the expiration of ARPA and to invest in the early education trust. The budget as a whole could show more flexibility to meet the moment, and we will be digging into the details. We look forward to working with the Governor and legislature to ultimately pass a budget that has the flexibility and responsiveness our state needs to meet this moment and set a course for the future. From early education and housing to healthcare and voting access, we hope this year’s budget will make our state more affordable and secure.”